What a whirl wind the past two years have been. I look at my sweet baby boy and wonder how he turned into a little boy right before my eyes so very quickly. I thought that as he got older it would get easier to leave him all day long while I work, but it really has not. I miss him so much every day, that I am absolutely about to bust to pick him up in the afternoons. His vocabulary is growing like a wild fire and he is putting together sentences so well. Hunter and I are amazed every day at the conversations we have with him. He used to say "Momas" for "Thomas" (the train) and just this weekend, I noticed that he is saying "Thomas" clear as a bell. He tells Hunter and I all the time, "No!...My do it!" Mr. Independent!! He is constantly asking, "Daddy, what you doin?" and my personal favorite, when he and his Daddy leave for school in the mornings, he says, "I love you Mommy!" That is when I forget that I was mad because he was up all hours of the night and just melt!! William has also been singing a lot lately. His favorite song is "Old McDonald." We sing it several times a day. So, we decided that since William loves tractors and all things farm related, we would celebrate his 2nd birthday barnyard style.
This was his fabulous Birthday Cake, made by Mesilla Jenkins...and the fondant was good!
We celebrated with a "Barnyard Bash" in our very own backyard and on our new BIG deck!! William had a blast at his birthday party...he played with every tractor he has and played in the blow up pool with Winston and Logan in his diaper and barnyard T-shirt that TT made! I am sure that we looked a little "red" to the neighbors with our little one running around in his diaper and T-shirt, but who cares...William was loving it!
We played pick up ducks and won prizes...
Colored barn-yard scenes...
Rode tractors, pulled wagons and pushed bulldozers...
We cooked slider cheese burgers and had homemade icecream to eat with our Birthday cake. William decided it would be easier to let Mommy and Daddy blow out his candles...that way he could just get right to digging into his smash cake!
And of course on the morning of his actual birthday, Sunday, May 23rd; we had birthday pancakes!
We love you William!! Happy 2nd Birthday! Love Mommy and Daddy!